Dear Parents/Guardians/Carers,
I, along with the dedicated staff and pro-active community, welcome you to our school. We are a small school with a strong family-orientated and inclusive atmosphere.
Southbrook Central State School implements an up-to-date curriculum providing opportunities for all students to succeed in living in 21st century society. We offer strong ICT, Technology and STEM opportunites, through increased resourcing across all classrooms, including; laptops, robotics and coding materials accessible to all students at our school.
Our schools current improvement agenda focuses on the improvement of Reading for all students. This improvement agenda is monitored and adjusted through consistent testing and data analysis. Staff are involved in this process on a consistent basis and attend regular Professional Development to furhter enhance and increase thier expertise in this area. By consistently reflecting upon our practice, we are able to adjust accordingly to the their ;individual needs providing your child with the best possible education.
If you would like to know more about the opportunites Southbrook Central State School can offer your child, please contact the school for an appointment.
We look forward to working with you and your child as they continue their educational journey with us.
Kind Regards,
Julie Rice